Wakeb solutions in Marketing and Advertising
We provide AI software to support companies, organizations and a lot of businesses. But not only the software is all we offer, we've done what's more comprehensive and stronger.
It is the integration of the strongest of our products to create smart solutions for different companies and organizations in various fields
To keep up in the field of marketing and advertising We help marketers reach the right audience at the right time and place across several different systems and ensure strong customer service.
Our Marketing Solutions provide:
- Market study
Explore unprecedented brand insights
- Analysis and comparison of competitors
Comprehensive analysis and monitoring of all competitors
- Smart chat bots
Facilitate customer communication mechanisms with smart Chat Bots
- Recommendation and suggestions engines
Provide unique content to customers based on their interests
- Brand's reputation Monitor
check any important impressions or conversations about the brand
We provide a lot of advanced technologies and systems to achieve all these solutions for all marketers
First, Smart Ads:
Smart Advertising system is an integrated artificial intelligence system that works through digital billboards to help you reach your right audience, study the market, compare competitors, recommend products and send promotional messages, and make comprehensive statistical reports by analyzing all data
Smart advertising also collects information and understands public behavior
What are the advantages of smart advertising?
- Provide targeted ads
- Ad allocation
- Collect impressions
- Accuracy in identification
- Performance reports
As a strong customer service support and customer loyalty enhancement we offer you
Second: Nasih Recommended Engine
A range of tools to personalize your services and products as a magical marketer for services and products, we monitor customers and understand their behavior to help them make their decisions while shopping online.
Where he filters the information that heaps on the customer from everywhere dynamically according to the customer's preferences and interests, An advice that helps predict whether a particular user prefers a product or service, based on the user's profile and behavior in the past.
What are the advantages of Nasih?
- Real-time recommendations
Increase users' interaction with the world by making recommendations relevant to their interests.-
- Targeting users
Appropriate recommendation based on user interests and popularity among other users
- Make it easier to buy
System algorithms filter products according to customer interests, saving time and effort in searching for services and products.
Increasing customer satisfaction
System algorithms filter between products according to customer interests and based on analyzing their social feelings to increase customer satisfaction.
Artificial Intelligence
Make smarter decisions about recommendations that the customer will like, as a mentor lures the customer to buy and get the service.
Comprehensive technical support
support Assistance is provided on a regular and continuous
Custom Dashboard
Monitor recommendations performance through a dedicated user interface and follow up on the number of interactions
- compare results
- filtering processes and recommendations
Reports and data
Follow up on reports and databases through comprehensive integration with diverse data applications and reporting on user interactions.
It is the best way to understand the interests and pattern of individuals' actions by devising their preferences and using them to predict products that follow those patterns and then present them as recommendations, and the individual feels that the the system understands them, thereby enhancing customer confidence in service providers.
Artificial intelligence is a necessary way to reach the best marketing results in the best and most unique way the opportunity to catch up with the future with a single click, we invite you to experience technologies, tools and ad- in artificial intelligence to improve marketing strategies and enhance sales through our solutions
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