With the high demand of visitors to institutions and companies throughout the day, the process of managing and organizing their entry and exit has made it important, so we offer visitor system is an integrated system to manage visitors and register their data and provide solutions to control entry and exit to and from the institution will enable employees to pre-register their visitors or visitors to pre-register for themselves through a special link sent
The most important elements offered by the system:
- User management
- Management and appointment of powers
- Managing functional departments
- Create major and subcategories
- Managing the company's branches and locations
- Control the stages of the system cycle
- Smart reports
- Easy-to-use control panel
The system offers us a lot of ai-supported features:
1- Easy registration of visitors in the system
2- Flexibility in the attribution of powers
3- Notify the host staff member in order to receive the arrival of the visitor
4- Issuing permits for cars and trucks loaded coming to the institution
5. Store visitor data in a secure database
6- Easy access for the visitor to the organization by scanning QR code
Features the system adds to your organization:
- Analysis of data and issuance of detailed reports
- Easy search and data sorting
- special permits for cars and trucks
- Enhance the image of the institution and improve the first impression
- Protecting privacy at work
- Check-in and departure times
How does the visitor management system work?
1) The host sends an invitation to the visitor through the system including all visitor data
2) The invitation link is sent to the visitor for confirmation
3) The visitor will nod all his data and confirm his health status
4) Accept or reject the invitation from the institution
5) If accepted, QR code is sent to the visitor by letter or email
6) The visitor scans the response code sent to him to enter the organization
7) Automatic notifications are sent to the host when the enterprise visitor arrives
8) The system saves a lot of time and effort in managing visitors
The system saves a lot of time and effort in visitor management and reflects a professional appearance of the organization and increases the level of security and privacy For the free experience
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